Vis Medicatrix Naturae The Healing Power of Nature: When it comes to our health, it is common practice in our society to put our health in the hands of our doctors. Although it is important to find a doctor that you trust, it is just as important to trust in your body’s ability to heal itself. The body is designed to heal naturally when it is provided with what it needs. My work is all about guiding my patients to discover this incredible healing potential. Prinum Non Nocere First Do No Harm: I use natural solutions to get the body back to a state of optimal health by choosing the least invasive and least toxic therapies that best meet individual healthcare needs. Tolle Causam Identify and Treat the Cause: Achieving long lasting health and longevity is not about quick fixes and band aid solutions. I look beyond the symptoms and identify the underlying causes of disease. Once determined, an appropriate treatment plan can be put into place to bring the body back to a balanced state. |
Docere Doctor as Teacher: A huge part of what I do is educate my patients on how they can take charge of their own health by learning how to easily integrate healthy habits into their busy lives. For those who like a more hands on learning approach, I also enjoy teaching nutrition and cooking workshops to help individuals learn the art of healthy eating. . Tolle Totem Treat the Whole Person: The body is a complex integration of physical, mental, emotional and energetic components, and one component does not exist without the others. As a naturopathic physician, I treat the individual by viewing the body as an integrated whole. Prevenio Prevention: They key to becoming healthy is not in overcoming illness, it is in preventing it in the first place. Invest time into your health by choosing preventative therapies, eating well, exercising and doing more of what makes you happy. |